Pazo Almuzara, a building from the 19th century full of history
D. Perfectino Viéitez an emblematic figure of Galicia
Perfectino returned to Galicia with a large fortune that he wanted to invest in his land. He also established close relations with the aristocracy of the time, even obtaining certain merits or recognitions, such as his appointment as Academician of the Real Academia Hispanoamericana of Sciences and Arts of Cádiz or the knighthood granted by King Alfonso XIII. All this has given the Pazo a long tradition, and hundreds of stories are kept in its walls. It is even said that Alfonso XIII spent a night at the Pazo.
Perfectino also owned numerous mansions and buildings in other areas of Galicia, such as Ourense and O Carballiño, in addition to other cities such as Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Lisbon and Madrid. His regular residence was Madrid; in which he ran his precious stone trading business.

The Pazo became part of D. Perfectino’s family after his death in 1940. His nephews inherited the property and divided the estate. In 1994, the property was acquired by the company Rural Tourism of Galicia (Turismo Rural de Galicia S. L.) who decided to dedicate it entirely to rural tourism. In 2001, after the acquisition of the entire property by Mr. Antonio Bernárdez Amor, the house was restored to its original structure and became the luxurious rural accommodation it is today.
Donations for the reconstruction of 16th century Galician landmarks
Perfectino was also an enthusiastic patron of the arts who made substantial donations to many organisations and institutions. In 1904, he altruistically financed the reconstruction of the Processional Cross of the Cathedral of Ourense, a jewel of the 16th century, to which he reincorporated numerous pieces of gold and silver that were lost or deteriorated and endowed with 243 precious stones: 114 amethysts, 28 topazes, 2 jades, 31 jewels, 5 diamonds, 21 corundums, 2 emeralds, 28 sapphires, 1 chrysolite, 1 aquamarine, and 4 hyacinths. The total weight of the stones is 5,000 carats.